
Technology Archive

Mobile Companies are Launching Standard Charger for all Handset!

Now forget about carrying different chargers for different mobile handsets, the big mobile companies like Nokia, Motorola, LG, RIM, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Apple, and a few more, have decided to launch an unique charger for all of their handsets, the charger will remain same for all of their handsets from 2010 in European countries. At

Mozilla Firefox is releasing Firefox 3.5 Today!

In a latest move Mozilla is launching the official realease of the Firefox 3.5 on Tuesday June 30th. Firefox is actually a web browser which is considered most popular web browser after IE. Personally I prefer working on Firefox only, and my website is also compatible with latest versions of Firefox. Firefox 3.5 is based

Prices of Windows 7 Announced!

In a latest announcement, Microsoft the premiere software company has announced the prices of the latest operating system Windows 7. Windows 7 was much talked about in the recent time and there was a huge hype created in between the users of the old versions of the operating systems of Microsoft. People who are using

Growing Needs of a Perfect Antivirus Software!

With the development of computer technology, need of a perfect antivirus software grows rapidly. With time it becomes the necessity. I still remember the day when I first purchased a new PC, and I was so excited with this development. Suddenly one night I play one VCD on it and due to no Antivirus software

Nokia N97 – A New Name of the Dream Mobile Phone!

Some times I feel that mobile phone technology has changed much better than any other technology growth. If you see any mobile phone to present days and if you remember the mobile phone which you were using a few years back, you can easily understand how much distance mobile phone has traveled within a short

Managing and Sharing Multimedia Content!

There was a time when it was really difficult to manage the multimedia content on web. I was searching for a few tips on how can I easily manage the multimedia contents, and suddenly I found something very interesting about it, and thought that I should share this with my readers. Surfing on the topic

How to shift the Hosting of a WordPress Website?

I still remember the day when I first shifted the hosting of my website; I was so tensed that I can not even write them in words. I would not be able to sleep for around three nights. Today one of my friend asked me the same question which I asked to so many people,

LG Arena – A New Revolution!

It was around 4 years back when I purchased my first mobile phone, which was a Nokia 1100. That phone was a mega hit at that time. Though it was a simple and a black and white phone with all the basic facilities, but my heart was not fully satisfied with this hand set. I

1o benefits of cell phones!

Day by day mobile phones are becoming the essential part of our life. Check the ten benefits of cell phones: Stay connected anytime and anywhere: The most basic benefit of a cell phone for which most of us use it is that we can stay connected with our loved ones in any part of the
How to Increase Traffic to Your Website
How to Increase Traffic to Your Website?

How to Increase Traffic to Your Website? Do You Want More...

How to Back Up WordPress Site
How to Back Up WordPress Site?

Do you want to protect your WordPress website from an unwanted...

Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purposes!
Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purposes!

All of us want Organic Traffic to our website or blog.... vs. vs. – Which WordPress is best for My Blog?

Those who want to develop a blog for themselves might get...

How to Increase Traffic to Your Website
How to Increase Traffic to Your Website?

How to Increase Traffic to Your Website? Do You Want More...

Ranking Factors for Google Search
11 Important Ranking Factors for Google Search from SEO Point of View in 2018!

Gone are the days when Backlinks was the only ranking factors...

Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purposes!
Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purposes!

All of us want Organic Traffic to our website or blog....

Why Blogging and Social Media is Important for Any Businesses?
Why Blogging and Social Media is Important for Any Businesses?

Why Blogging and Social Media is Important for Any Businesses? Read...