
What is Google Hummingbird & its Impact on SEO!

I received a few mails from some readers of my blog mentioning why am I not writing any post on Google Hummingbird update? Well I do accept the fact that I did not give so much importance to this update, reason being I was so hectically engaged with so many other things in my life that I did not get the time to think about writing a blog post on it.

Read more about what Google Hummingbird update is and what you need to know to stay ahead in the SEO race.

Google Hummingbird

Google Hummingbird

Google Hummingbird

Simply, hummingbird is a little and beautiful bird, but don’t consider Google hummingbird has any co-relation with the same beautiful bird.

On its 15th birthday Google launched a totally new search algorithm, named as Hummingbird update, on 27th September 2013. I am a bit lucky as my daughter also has her birthday on the same date.

With this search algorithm update Google claimed that they will be able to serve their visitors in a better way, and provide them the best answers to their query. With this approach Google thought that they can interact with their users in a more interactive way.

Frankly speaking, it’s a major update, since 2001, through which Google changed its driving force. This algorithm is mainly updated with the way how people search, and helps Google to sort results from millions and billions of web pages and other information it has, and then to deliver the best possible results to the user.

Why the name Hummingbird?

Well, nothing special about why Google chose the name of Hummingbird for its algorithm. To be very precise, and fast, what Google always wanted to be known for, they give this name to the search algorithm update, as being precise and fast are the qualities of this cute bird.

What is the Impact?

Well, as per Matt Cutt, it actually affected around more than 90% of search results, even before it was publically announced by Google. As per Matt, the algorithm changed around one month back only, while no one even noticed it.

With the help of hummingbird algorithm updates, Google considers that it can improve itself in semantic search, and will help Google to understand the intent and the context of the search term, and thus Google will be able to provide a better sort of results to the users.

Well, as per Matt, with the help of this algorithm update, Google might also be able to deliver results for some long-tail keywords as well, for which a particular page is not even optimized for. The ultimate goal of the Google is to provide best possible results to its users which actually answer the question being raised by the user.

How hummingbird does Works?

The algorithm actually works on different aspects of the person who is searching, where they are searching, when the search is happening, and how the search query is made of. Depending on all the above aspects Google will deliver the results. Here it is quite clear that hummingbird delivers results based on the personalization or the prior behavior of a particular user, along with on what platform the user is searching for, like weather the user is searching on a PC, or on a laptop, or through a Smartphone.

To be very frank now the results also depends on the location of the person who is searching for it, along with the time of the day when the user is searching for something.

How to Deal with Google Hummingbird?

The question of the moment is then how we can deal with this update? How can we be able to make our website more Google hummingbird friendly?

Here is my answer:

As I mention many a times in past (even in a recent blog post on effective SEO tips for 2014) that always develop your website considering about users perspective (don’t go with the search engine perspective), and go Mobile in coming days.

I always say that we should follow the natural evolution of SEO on our websites, which simply means, if you are following the things naturally, you need not to worry about anything, even in future as well.

Here are the things you might consider with respect to the Hummingbird update:

Go Mobile

Optimize your website considering the fact that these days people prefer to search on mobile devices. In future mobile optimization will become critical, and if you are not doing it you might lose a big share of traffic.

Do you have the guts to ignore those?


The day Google came up with this social networking thing, I already said that one day it will become vital. The day has now arrived, as it is the product of Google only and they will naturally give importance to sites being liked by many people on Google+, as compared to Facebook, or any other social networking sites.

So guys if you really want to get the love of Search Engine giant Google then focus on Google+.

Structured Data

Though it’s a bit conflicting issue, but as per hummingbird updates Google will be quite happy with the sites which will provide them as much data as possible about your web pages content.

Though the controversy with this is that many people think this way, that it is not good to surrender your data to Google, but what if your competitor is gonna do so? Does not it simply mean better ranking for your competitor on Google searches?

So why to take risk with it? Let’s go with the structured data markup and your search results might be able to get more clicks through as well, with the help of the rich snippets.

Back Links

Well, with Penguin updates people started to believe that links are bad for their website. It is true up to an extent, but Google always believes that it will give importance to sites with more back links, but back links from quality sites/pages only.

Thus it’s not true that you don’t need a single back links to develop credibility of your site, but the focus should be that these back links should be generated from quality places only.

Social Media Sites

Don’t underestimate the power of the social media likes. The likes and shares of your web page on sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. are still one of the most essential criteria of the better ranking of your website.


As we always say that Content is the King, but along with good quality content, we are also required to focus on keywords. Some level of keyword optimization is always required while developing the content for your website.

I guess above terms will clearly help you to deal with Google Hummingbird update.

What about PageRank?

Well, to be precise, for me PR or the PageRank of a particular web page is dead a few years back only. If you are still giving so much importance for it, then I will say you are doing one sort of mistake.

These days PageRank is not dead, but still it is not something for which you can run for. Normally people believes that the more number of links your web page has more will be its page rank, but I can say you is the more people will like your page at Google+ more will be its page rank.

That is all about Google Hummingbird updates at the moment. Do let me know your opinion about this post, in the form of comments from below form.

Though all the details mentioned above are critical, along with one of the most important thing also, and it is that your website should always be given to the best and the known SEO’s only. Don’t compromise with the pricing factor, but always go for the best SEO as you do with lawyers and doctors.

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  1. Swapnil January 22, 2014 / Reply
    • Alok Vats January 24, 2014 / Reply
  2. Stacey Jones January 24, 2014 / Reply
    • Alok Vats January 24, 2014 / Reply

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